Xander Kong Xiangwei

Hi, I am Xander! Nice to meet all of you and welcome to The Tie's blog.

I was graduated from mainland China in last year. Luckily, I was in a special college which was found by Hong Kong Baptist University. Due to English as the teaching medium, I can quickly adapt myself to the new study in City University of Hong Kong. 

I have been employed as a intern in a Sales and Marketing Department of a real estate development company for three months. My job majorly was responsible for planning and implementing the opening ceremony of XXX restaurant (the restaurant was the subsidiary company) with our team members. The project eventually got a huge success because the high cohesiveness and collaboration among all team members. The big project could not be finished by one person. You had to rely on the team's efforts. However, the precondition here was that every team member should collaborate with each other honestly and sincerely. In additions, the communication skills and collaboration abilities were also very important. One figure can not hurt your enemy but the fist can give a big shock to the enemy. I hope that I can learn more skills and abilities in this course in order to prepare well for my future career with my team members, Joshua and Michelle.

By the way, I like to travel and cycling. Is anyone has the same hobby with me? Good luck to you and to The Tie!

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