Self Reflection Joshua Wang

Self-reflection of High Performance Collaboration
Over all after the happy ending of our collaboration exercise, I shall conclude that the overall collaboration experience was rich and meaningful through the entire semester, which had been fulfilled with various kinds of discussions and knowledge sharing, and also provided the real-life case studies by involving me in the creative thinking. Reflecting back through the entire process of gaining the knowledge of collaboration, it is definitely not easy at all because human are unpredictable. I use to believe that collaboration is just the higher levels of collective work, but after the systematical learning about the collaboration, my perception towards the meaning and reflection of the collaboration is changing. Collaboration is not only about of gathering people in a group to achieving certain objective but also about of more collectively and cohesively knowledge sharing and building consensus. And before achieving consensus, it’s not possible without serious effective negotiation.

Aiming for consensus 
Team logo – the first team work

The perception error- our first conflict
Our first team work was designing our team logo, which was a very surprising for each one of us. Previously we had experiences of initiating teamwork such as ice-braking, but none of them required us to design a team logo. And in my perception, only marketing students are requiring to design the logo for their learning purpose. Therefore, the purpose of designing the logo wasn’t that clear for me and during that time I don’t even consider such task was difficult which means it’s not necessary to spend much time on it. Come on! Logo designing? Since the first day when we went for school, the first class the teacher was asking all the students doing was to draw something. And till today, we had millions of experiences of drawing, thus how difficult would that be? After acknowledging this task from Frank, I told to my team mates: we shall only spend half an hour to finish this. But I was wrong, and in fact,in the whole afternoon of our first meeting, we got nothing at all.
The conflicting problem was evident, once everyone believes they got the most creative ideas, they want the idea to be included in the final outcome. And the first meeting was very chaotic and full of disagreements where no one was able to agree on other’s idea because arguments were about whether each of our proposals was captured the meaning of our team name, or whether it was meaningful. and indeed every group member was doing equally well at that time. Therefore, the difficulty that we were facing was to achieve a cohesive agreement. The conflict was occurred because of the perception error over the different ideas between the team members which had created difficulties to make an effective group decision. However, through fewer discussions later on, we were able to overcome that and finally solved our conflicts through numbers of negotiations. And at matter of the fact, the conflict was functional that effectively help us to improve our team performance after.
Perspective taking
After we cooling down our burning brain, and starting to work on our ideas of team logo together in our second meeting. Then, we were began to share our knowledge and thought proactively through active brainstorming. And we had discussed issues such as what was the reason of putting that symbol, why should we keep that or where to keep that symbol. The meaning of original design was very unreachable and complicated. (But it was described by me as “Classic”). At very beginning I was insist to keep the shield and also the Latin motto
The first conceptural logo
because I believe such design would be rare and attractive which was representing the concepts and the ideas of collaboration by using heraldry and Latin motto. However, other group members reminded me that if we use this logo, it’s difficult to emphasis the theme of our logo which is the tie in the middle and such complicate design was actually more distractive and meanwhile it wasn't so creative to the audience. Also the Latin motto wouldn’t convey its meaning rightfully because no one in the class can read Latin. After hearing all the comments from all the team members carefully, I was starting to reconsider my idea from another perspective. And through the Perspective Taking, I was able to understand the think and feelings through the audience’s perspectives which was essential to recognize such design would not easy to understand even with an explanation in detail. Therefore, the proposal of using the complete design of this logo wasn’t passed in our discussion, but we had kept the concept of keeping the knot for extending the concept of our team name.
Therefore in our next design, we had come out an idea with more easy and simple logo design, but another problem has also reflected out that whether such design was too simple to accept by audience? And by using the perspective thinking, the logos in our second discussion were not able to capture the intentions from audience either, even though there are differences in valuation and expectation within different people. Yet
Conceptual logos (2)
We have all agreed that the logos in the second discussion shouldn’t be the final settlement, and certainly we didn’t finalize any outcome at the end of second meeting. But through the overall meeting, we were able to share more knowledge and opinions, and more proactively and constructively involved into the team discussion. Certainly, with the improving qualities of team performance, the efficiency of our team work is getting better and better. Therefore, even after second meeting we were still not achieving any workable outcome, but such improvement was very essential for our next incoming team collaboration, because the improvement of our communication quality and knowledge sharing was representing our team was starting to achieving coherence and consensus.
Achieved successful consensus
Finally, the last discussion was very successful which has certainly reflected high quality of team collaboration. The final design was merging our ideas which have successfully established the meaning and the concepts, and also with our efficient  

The Final Outcome
collaborations. The idea of the tie was come from me, the colour and the shape was come from Mi and Xan. The final design was able to capture every points and considerations that we have shared and reflected from our first meeting. We were all happy of this outcome, and it had become out team logo finally.
Until the last moment of this team work, I have suddenly realized that why we were request to have a team logo, which was representing collaboration experience. The whole process of designing logo is for learning the collaboration and through the numbers of discussions, knowledge sharing and negotiations, we were able to achieve coherence because we have learnt from each other, and through the perspective taking we were able to understand each other therefore we were able to ahead towards the same direction. The successful establishment of our team logo has represented our success consensus in our team work, and most importantly our relationship was not damaged because of our initial conflicts at the begining of the team work. And in the end, the conflict was also successfully solved and meanwhile our trust level within team tie was also enhanced and increased.
Project 4.23 – Virtual Collaboration  
Perhaps I shall share more about my feeling about the virtual project at beginning in this subtopic. I use to think that was impossible for such virtual collaboration once after hearing from Frank, because the morning group and evening group were facing the completely different schedule and time line, and clearly I think the whole class was trying to avoid from part-time students because they might have difficulties of fully concentrating on school projects due to their heavy daily workload and job duties. Such perception has been confused me for quite a moment before our first virtual meeting with evening group, which is true I have no idea what were we going to face for.
Communications – virtual team meetings
A gentle touched down
However, surprisingly we were facing a very dedicated and proactive leader in the evening group who had took the first initiation by sending me an email which she suggested that me and her should have some touch bases before our official group virtual meeting, also with her expectations on virtual meeting channels such as what’s app group and a software called Visimeet which most of my team members didn’t really familiar with. Therefore in the replying email I have also listed our expectations regarding how would we conduct the virtual meeting and our preferences of using Skype and QQ etc. And later she had replied that with a very gentle and negotiable attitude which has actually changed my past perception of her. And because of we had conducted exchanging our ideas in advance, so the possibilities of potential consequences such as conflicts and misunderstanding had been largely minimized therefore I believed the beginning of our dual-team collaboration was very successful.

First email from evening group (click to view big picture)

First replying from our group (click to view big picture)

The first gentle touch down (Click to view big picuture) 

And latter we had a phone conversation for more specific details, Julie and I had  discussed those mentioned issues in our email in detail, and through this conversation I believe our trusting level was increased because we were able to apply perspective taking through mutual understanding of each other through our first verbal communication. Besides, we had also roughly drafted the project timeline and exchange our expectation and commitment towards the future collaboration. And after, when I was sharing that knowledge with my team TIE mates, they were also changed their outdated perception towards her, and start to believe that our collaboration would be successful in future. Certainly the trust between evening group and us is growing also.
Aiming for mutual agreement
Our first meeting was hold through Visimeet, but it wasn’t work in a very perfect condition at start, which was wasted almost half an hour for us attempting to solve the issue. The causes were primarily because of the stability of the internet connection and some technical issues which we were unable to overcome due to our limit knowledge of the IT, which had disturbed the quality of the communication. Therefore we used our cellphones as the supplementary method to resolve the voice issue we had faced. The first meeting was aiming for finalizing the project schedule and settled the topic we shall focus on, which was very effective done by us surprisingly without any conflicts. That’s probably explained why our conversation in advance between the leaders was important for us to achieve team coherence. During the meeting we had effectively exchanged our thinking and knowledge regarding our entire project structure and concepts. And we have all agreed that the virtual platform should serve the purpose that would improve the efficiency of the organizations’ operation and also help people under different circumstances. Right after we finished the knowledge sharing and comparing the ideas from both team, our team had short discussion of the idea from evening team and decide we will follow this idea which is the virtual community shall serve a charity purpose especially under the emergency situation, that because we have all agreed the idea of charity is creative and the value which is reflected through the charity and humanity would be grateful and meaningful than any economic value reflected from business activities. In the end, we morning group had dropped our original idea which is a car renting platform and redirect our focus to the charity, which is due to that if we only haggling over of a single issue which is our idea and ignore the future perspective of achieving consensus, it would hardly for both our parties to achieve the coherence in the end, however, which does not means we were giving up so easily and just compromising during the negotiation, but because of the charity topic was also very interesting and also was very attractive to us, therefore we had made a tradeoff and therefore reached a mutually profitable outcome (Thompson, 2009).
The first meeting was very success, and through the meeting we will be able to achieve coherence which is a very good beginning for both of us. Our virtual meetings in the next sessions were majority was through video conference associating with email, and the usual practice was that after the video conference we will communicate through email of summarizing the contents of our last meeting. The evening group was providing great meeting minutes which were helping us to be more clear and firm about our goals.

Example of meeting minutes (click to view big picture)
Efficiency and effectiveness – not always perfect
Usually the inter-team video conference was hold once per week regularly before the Easter break which allowed us to follow the project schedule progressively and be able to correct the mistakes as earlier as possible. But after the Easter, we had felt that our project was very progressive comparing with other groups, therefore we thought that we may temporarily stop the video conference, and switched to use smart phone apps and email as our communication method for the next part of the project. Then the problem occurred, and evidently I felt the communication effectiveness was decreased comparing to our usual practice. Through the email communication, it was difficult to have a progressive mutual understanding because the email and the mobile apps generated little feedback about how the recipient’s is reacting (Gwynne, 2002), which was different from video conference, we were able to see other’s face and understand whether the recipients were responding or not. Also, the responding time wasn’t instant which took some time to receive the reply, and waiting for the responding was also created certain negative impacts of our overall project effectiveness. For instance, after the Easter break, our group was waiting for the feedback from the evening group about our last amendments of project finalization, however there was no responding from them until I made a phone call to seek some advice from them, and it was a misunderstanding because the evening group thought that last email was the finalized version and the project can be arranged in different perspective there won’t be necessary of further discussion anymore, and such misunderstanding indeed created the biggest confusion in our group in the overall project. After all, the experience was very identical to reflect the advantage and disadvantage through virtual communication which was meaningful and thoughtful to me, so in the future, if under any possibilities of working through virtual communication, I would be more considerable of the distortion and possible misunderstanding in order to avoid ineffective work and operation.
Collaboration is an art
At the end of my learning reflection, I wish to say that the collaboration is an art which would allow strangers to transform into team partners and also make them work cohesively towards a same goal, the consensus. It is not easy definitely, that makes the way of achieve and cultivate collaboration more important which may influence the consequences of successful team goals. It is also worth to mention that through my past experience about the virtual cooperation wasn’t that smooth at all, primarily because under that circumstances, I wasn’t able to well manage the entire process due to lacking of knowledge on virtual collaboration, therefore I wasn’t able to capture the opportunity last time and lost a lot of money when I was trying to attempt in to online business few years ago. During the learning process of achieve collaboration, I have learnt how to manage people that we were not familiar, such as how to organize them in meeting on time; how to make an effective negotiation, such as using perspective thinking and trade off to achieve a win-win goal; and even how to make an effective communication through virtual environment. All of these knowledge and skills are forming a valuable and creatable experience and knowledge which would be invaluable in my future career because there will be surely a similar or even more complicated situation are needed for my knowledge on collaboration. The design of the learning experience was creating a real scenario that may anticipate the future practice, therefore which was very helpful of creating knowledge base and skill cultivating. After all, the art of collaboration would surely cultivate my knowledge to be a capable and knowledgeable manager in the future. 
Gwynne. P. (2002). Does email esclate conclict. MIT SLOAN management review. MA, US
Thompson, L. L. (2009). Win-Win Negotiation: Expanding the Pie. In L. L. Thompson, he mind and heart of the negotiator (3 ed., pp. 74-95). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA: Pearson/Prentice Hall.  


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